How to Create a Mindful Morning Routine

The way we choose to start our morning tends to set the tone for the rest of the day. You could have pressed snooze for the fourth time not wanting to get out of bed and therefore become rushed not wanting to be late, making you feel flustered, chaotic and panicked. Or you could be abruptly awakened by the kids earlier than expected, making you feel grumpy, tired and irritable. 


These ways of waking up can happen all too often, and sometimes are out of your control. But when applicable, it’s great to try and make your morning routine as positive and calm as possible on a regular basis.


We recommend creating a mindful morning routine.


Morning routines can be stressful, rushed and hectic. Especially when trying to get yourself and the kids ready for the day whilst making sure everyone has lunch packed and the house doesn’t look like a pigsty. 


However, swapping frantic behaviours for mindfulness practices in the morning can make your day run so much calmer, smoother and happier.


Here are a few mindfulness activities that you could use to start the day in a positive way:

·      Complete a guided meditation or visualisation as you wake up, before you get out of bed. This will help you start the day in a peaceful and relaxed manner. 

·      Write down or mentally list five things you are grateful in your life. Try to make it a combination of people, places and things. Practicing gratitude will encourage you to step back and look at the little things in life. It is a great tool to change your perspective from negative to positive in an instant.  

·      Mindful breathing is perfect for those who do not have much time in the mornings. It literally takes two minutes to stop, inhale deeply, hold, then exhale slowly. Repeat these breaths for as long as you like or until you feel calm and centred. Mindful breathing is great to bring you back into the present moment and realign your thoughts.

·      Mindful movement is not only beneficial for the body but also for your mind. Moving your body releases all those wonderful endorphins creating the perfect blend of feel good hormones to start the day feeling fresh and energised. Your movement may be a morning walk, yoga, gym session, Pilates, dance class, run around the block or just a few stretches. Whatever you have time for in the morning, it is a great idea to prioritise some mindful movement and check in with how your body is feeling.

·      Take Five and check in with your senses. This mindfulness activity can be completed within five minutes if that is all you have time for. Make yourself comfortable and check in with your senses - looking, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching. Really zone into each of those senses for a one minute each and notice how you feel when connecting with your five senses.


Depending on your morning routine, you may only have time for one of these activities or you may be able to complete multiple. We encourage you to add at least one mindfulness practice to your morning and remember to do what feels right for you.


Mindfulness resources can be found at our website to help the transition into mindfulness practice easy, effective and effortless. 


Enjoy enhancing your morning routines with mindfulness, peace, calm and positivity.

Kylie Humphreys