Benefits of being Generous

Being generous is giving more of something than is expected. It is entwined with kindness and both being generous and being kind are elements of heartfulness – as they are heartfelt sentiments.

We love that generosity benefits others and ourselves!

For others, it increases their happiness and makes them feel valued and special. Generosity within a family or community group etc. improves relationships and strengthens connections.

For us, practising regular acts of generosity makes us feel joyful and positive whilst giving us a sense of purpose and pride. Additionally, generosity has been proven to lift your mood, reduce stress, ease depression and even extend your lifespan.


When the word generous is heard, most minds go straight to donating money and buying presents, but that definitely isn’t the only way to be generous. It can simply be helping someone, giving something small, sharing things or using kind words. Below are many examples of easy acts of generosity that you can cultivate into your day to day life:

·      Opening the door for a stranger

·      Smiling at others

·      Offering to take a friend out for a coffee

·      Donate old clothes to good will

·      Donate old towels and sheets to animal shelters

·      Offer to walk a neighbour’s dog

·      Cook a special meal to surprise a loved one

·      Give a family member a back massage

·      Spend quality time with a friend or family member

·      Surprising a loved one with a gift


Here at Head and Heart Mindfulness, we have generosity as a main value of the business. We want to be generous with our time, services, information and products. One act of generosity that we love, is to give small, thoughtful and practical mindfulness gifts to students and teachers at the end of each term of mindfulness sessions. Giving gifts makes us feel good and we know it benefits the recipients too.


Any act of generosity can be felt in your heart space. When you are being generous be sure to take the time to be in the moment, notice how being generous makes you feel, sit with those heart felt feelings for a while and enjoy the warm and positive vibes for a long as possible.

Kylie Humphreys