Our Top 4 Mindful Breaths to bring Calm

There is a reason we are told from a young age to “take a few deep breaths and calm down.”

Breathing is the quickest way to send a message to your brain informing it to calm your body.

The fact is that we are constantly breathing, so shouldn’t we be calm all the time?

Yes, we may be breathing all of the time however this is mostly automatic breathing which requires no intent or conscious action on our behalf. When automatic breathing, we are more than likely shallow breathing which actually enhances the chaotic feeling as your brain and body aren’t receiving the optimal amount of oxygen required for us to remain calm, relaxed and regulated.

The key to creating calm with our breath, however, is MINDFUL breathing.

Choosing to take slow, deep breaths and pay attention to the sensations that you experience in the moment whilst mindful breathing is an effective and fast way to remain in, or return, to a calm state of mind and body.

An added bonus is that when we practise our mindful breathing regularly we are choosing to take care of ourselves, ultimately choosing to feel calm, relaxed and happy which then positively impacts our children, colleagues, family and friends - whoever we interact with.

Practicing mindful breathing throughout the day at times when you are both calm and starting to feel overwhelmed will soon create a healthy habit and an automatic pattern.

Think of it like a chill pill that you always have with you and it’s free! 

We highly recommend the following four mindful breaths to kick off your new habit and create calm:

Heart Breathing – Sit comfortably with your eyes closed, palms flat on your chest. Breathe in through your nose and out slowly and evenly through your mouth. Bring your awareness to your chest/heart area and simply connect in with what you are noticing. Feel the sensations of the area around the heart with each breath. There is no judgement, it is just simply observing. Try and stay here for 1-5 minutes, gently returning your attention to the breath as your mind wanders. 

Triangle Breathing - Sitting comfortably with a straight back, eyes closed or gently looking down. Breathe in through the nose and trace up one side of a triangle (you can either imagine the triangle in your mind or trace a small triangle on your other hand or leg). As you slowly exhale, see if you can trace down the other two sides of the triangle, trying to make the exhale twice as long as the inhale. Repeat for 1-5 minutes, focusing on the triangle and breath.

Ahhhhh Breathing - Sit or lie with a straight back, eyes closed. Be comfortable. Inhale deeply through the nose and hold the breath for a moment, then open the mouth and slowly exhale and whisper from the back of your throat the sound ‘ahhhhh’. Be sure to use a soft breath and not strain. Repeat for 1-5 minutes.

Abdominal breathing – Sit and simply observe the breath moving through your body for about one minute. Place the right hand on top of the navel and the left hand on top of the chest. Continue to breathe and try to feel the right hand moving on your navel - it should rise on the inhalation and then sink back down on the exhalation. The left hand that is on your chest shouldn’t really move. Never try to force the breath in any way just let the movement come naturally. Continue for 1-5 minutes.

These breaths can be completed whenever you feel stressed, overwhelmed or rushed. But of course, you do not need to wait until you are feeling chaotic. Having regular times throughout the day to focus on your breathing is a great way to get into the habit of checking in with yourself and your breath.

Remember, you can make it as simple as inhaling, holding and exhaling. You just need to be present and in the moment when you are breathing. May your mindful breathing bring greater calm, relaxation and joy to your days.

Kylie Humphreys