Mindful Breathing

Breathing is an automated function that we used all of the time. It is second nature, so much so, that we barely take notice of our breathing. 


One of the best ways for beginners to start along the mindfulness path is to focus on breathing. It is a simple action that we can spend as little as five minutes or 20 minutes observing. 


During day to day activities such as quickly getting ready, organising the family to be out the door and multitasking questions from the kids whilst you’re trying to cook dinner can result in chaos, frustration and stress. When we feel stressed and anxious our breathing automatically quickens and becomes shallow. 


Taking slow deep breaths, drawing the air in through your nose and out your nose or mouth in a long smooth release starts to relax our stress levels, calm our nervous system and slow our heart rate. This is why we are told to “calm down and take deep breaths” when we are nervous or anxious. 


Breathing brings you into the present moment, especially when you are counting the inhale and exhale. For example saying to yourself “breathing in, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, breathing out, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.”

Taking deep breaths into the belly instead of the chest can also slow down your breathing. This can be a difficult skill to learn. Try by laying down on the floor and placing your hand on your belly around your navel area. Slowly breathe in and try to draw your breath through your nose and down into your belly so that it rises on the in breath and falls on the out breath. Notice this rhythmic movement. Practise this until you are comfortable with the flow and then try whilst sitting and standing.


Next time you are feeling a little anxious, stressed or just want to practice five minutes of mindfulness, try smooth deep breaths counting to six and deep belly breathing.


You can focus on your breathing multiple times a day. Just check in with your breathing every few hours. Or when you are feeling overwhelmed make sure you are breathing deeply and apply these tools as needed to feel calm.

Give it a go now. Stop. Breath. Relax. Enjoy.

Kylie Humphreys