3 Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation

Have you heard people talking about the wonderful world of mindfulness? Or, what about those life-changing guided meditations? 


Let me guess, you’re probably thinking, what is so good about them? And, why should I take time out of my busy day to be mindful, when I can’t get five minutes to myself?


If you relate to all of the above, then you NEED mindfulness and mediation in your life – PRONTO!


There is an extensive list as to why we should be practicing mindfulness and meditation regularly. But, right now I’m going to really simplify it all and give you THREE reasons to step into that wonderful world of mindfulness.


1.    Reduces stress and anxiety

In today’s world there is so much technology, we are always switched on. We are going a million miles an hour just to try and get everything completed in 24 hours. (And let’s be real here…we all push items on our to-do list into the next day, or the day after that, because we just don’t have enough time). Our poor little brains and bodies can’t handle it sometimes and we call on our notoriously annoying pals, Stress & Anxiety, to take control for a while. 


Just a five-minute guided meditation each day can bring us to the present moment. In doing so, we leave worries and anxieties behind to focus on one thing at time. You will feel calm and relaxed when the time comes to open your eyes.


2.    Decreases depressive thoughts

Negative and depressive thoughts tend to flood the mind when we are worn out and overwhelmed. When we are in the pessimistic headspace it can feel extremely hard to see the light or a positive way out. 


This is when simple mindfulness activities are a great help. As soon as a negative thought enters your mine, change the perspective on that thought straight away. Firstly, identify that it is a negative thought. Then, flip it into a positive and grateful perspective. For example, “I look terrible today.” Changes to, “I am grateful that I have a strong body. I improve my strength every day.”


3.    Great for general health

Mindfulness and meditation also have a positive impact on our physical health. By lowering stress levels, we reduce the risk of heart disease. By breathing deeply in our meditations, we decrease the risk of lung disease. Mindful stretching, helps loosen muscles which takes pressure off joints and ligaments, allowing for easier general movement.


Mindfulness and meditation are great for your mind, body and soul. They create a calm mind and happy heart. Make sure to add mindfulness into your daily routine to reap the benefits.

Kylie Humphreys