How to use Mindfulness to help you through change

In life we all go though change. Whether it be growing up, the beginning and end of relationships, moving to a new house, getting married, having children, travelling overseas or meeting new people.

Change occurs in many aspects of life. In fact, nothing really stays the same, there is always change.


In many cases with change; it’s a love/hate relationship. People either resist change or embrace it. If you are more on the resisting side of change, then these following tips will help you out!


When change is occurring, you may feel:

·      Overwhelmed

·      Anxious

·      Sick to the stomach

·      Jittery – cannot be still

·      Emotional – crying frequently

·      Stressed

·      Flat with low energy


All these feelings are warranted when change is upon you. And I’m not saying you should shove these feelings aside at all. Quite the opposite. You should acknowledge those feelings and allow yourself to feel them. The trick is not to wallow in those feelings for too long. This is where mindfulness comes into play.


Shaking off these feelings requires practice, there is no on/off switch to flick. 


The first mindfulness tip to use after you have identified your feelings is breathing. This is so simple yet so important. When you are overwhelmed or anxious your breathing quickens and becomes quite shallow. So, what you need to do it take five slow, deep breaths all the way into your belly. You should see you belly rise and fall instead of your chest as you breathe. This can be done as often as you like.


The second mindfulness tip is to write out a gratitude list every day. This can be done in the morning or evening. Gratitude really helps ground you switch your mindset from negative to positive. When you feel like your world is turning upside down from change, just list three things you are grateful for from the current day. Soon you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Thirdly, you can practice any type of mindfulness activity to help you strengthen your mind and body. This could be anything from yoga, walking, remedial massage, reading and meditating. These activities will bring you into the present moment and shift any stagnant energy that may be keeping you from embracing change.


Please do not let change stop you from living a life of love and positivity. Change just allows you to experience different areas of life. It allows you to learn and flourish.


Next time you feel a little uneasy about change, just remember that mindfulness can help you embrace instead of resist.