Random Acts of Mindful Kindness

What is kindness? 


According to the Oxford Dictionary, ‘Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.’


Do you consider yourself to be a kind person? How often do you show acts of kindness?


Here is a fun fact about kindness. Being kind releases feel-good hormones, reduces stress, prevents illness and eases anxiety.


Acts of kindness do not have to be large, complex or expensive deeds. Something as simple as making a cup of tea for a family member, giving your friend a hug or offering up your table at a busy coffee shop. This is definitely a situation where less is more; no extravagance needed, just genuine kindness.


There are times where you are too busy to catch up with a friend or have a long chat over the phone with a relative. We get it, everyone is human and sometimes we just run out of time. But we can still send kindness to others via a mindfulness moment.


Here is what you could do in a five-minute meditation to spread some kindness to those around you:

·      Close your eyes and take three slow deep breaths.

·      Place your hands on your heart and imagine someone who you would like to send kindness to.

·      Imagine that person to be healthy and strong.

·      Imagine they are really happy with a smile on their face. Maybe they are doing something they really enjoy.

·      Imagine they are surrounded by calm and peaceful things, and that their heart is calm and peaceful too.

·      Now let your own heart fill up with kindness, so full that it is about to burst. Then share that kindness with the person you have imagined by repeating the following phrases.

1.     May you be healthy and strong.

2.     May you be happy.

3.     May you be peaceful.

·      Imagine all of those words and feelings travelling from your heart to the other person’s heart.

·      Once you have shared your kindness you can take three slow deep breaths and open your eyes.


That is a very simple meditation/visualisation that can spread kindness. Being kind to others will always make you feel better. It will swap a negative mood into a positive one. 


Go and smile at the very next person you see today? A big, wide grin from ear to ear.

Kylie Humphreys