Head & Heart Mindfulness

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5 Components of Self-Care

You may have heard the phrase self-care quite often over the past year or so. In some ways it has become a bit of a buzz word…but for a very good reason! Life gets so busy and we are constantly on the go, doing things for others, organising the family and running from one place to the next. It’s very easy to forget to stop and focus on YOU!


This is where we turn to self-care. It means precisely what it states – caring for yourself. Making yourself a priority isn’t always easy, but it is important and necessary!


There are 5 components of self-care that you can focus on to fill your own cup:


Emotional Self-Care – This element focuses on your feelings and emotions. Making sure you are nurturing your mind, practicing positive thinking and being able to deal with worry stress in a positive way. It also focuses on being kind, compassionate and caring to others and yourself!


Spiritual Self-Care – This component is based upon your morals, values and beliefs that lead you in life. Indulging in practices that help nourish your soul, spirit and understanding.


Social Self-Care – This element is all about your support network. Focus on the people you can turn to when you need help, uplifting and guidance. Being connected socially can help your sense of acceptance and belonging.


Intellectual Self-Care – This component is about nourishing your brain by engaging in education, learning and mindfulness. Trying new things and encouraging a positive mindset are helpful.


Physical Self-Care – This element is all about looking after your body. Regular fitness, enough sleep and medical/dental check-ups are all beneficial for taking care of yourself.


At times, you may be favouring one component of self-care more than others, and that is completely normal. You will know within yourself what area you may need to focus on when it comes to practicing self-care. Do what makes you feel happy, relaxed and refreshed. 


Whatever component or activity you end up practicing for self-care, be in the moment. Notice how you’re feeling and let any guilt or worries fade away! 


Remember it is vital for you to take time for yourself! Take care of YOU too!