Head & Heart Mindfulness

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A Guided Visualisation to Calm Your Mind

Guided visualisations are also known as meditations and are a great tool to help calm your mind and bring your focus back to the present moment. Some people think meditations need to be an hour of silence where you sit and empty your mind whilst humming “Ommmmm”. Yes, this is one way you can practice meditation, but there are also many other ways you can meditate, that may be more appealing and beneficial for you!


If you are beginning your journey of guided visualisations, then we have one that is a great starting point.


Combining your mindful breathing and magical imagination, you can take your guided visualisation anywhere you would like. In your mind, go to your happy place and notice how that place makes you feel. By focussing on your happy place and breathing, you will have successfully emptied your mind of worries, thoughts and stresses – you will officially be in the present moment.


To start you off, try this simple guided visualisation. You can begin by aiming for 5 minutes of meditation and when you are ready, try extending the length of time.


-       Make your body comfortable in a seated or lying position. Close your eyes and tune into the present moment. Take three big, slow and deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.

-       Imagine you are lying on a gorgeous, still beach. You can feel the warm sun on your skin and the light breeze blowing in your hair. You can hear waves crashing and seagulls squawking. You can smell sunscreen and delicious hot chips. You can see the divine colours of the ocean- blues, greens and aqua.

-       Let your whole body feel your surroundings. Sink deeper into a state of relaxation as you truly feel your mind and body at this mesmerising beach. 

-       Focus back on your breath and feel as your chest or tummy rise and fall.

-       Stay in this position and with this feeling for as long as you wish.

-       When you are ready, wiggle your fingers and toes. Slowly open your eyes and bring yourself back to the room.


Guided visualisations can be practiced in the morning as you wake up, going to bed at night to prepare your mind for sleep or whenever you just need a moment to reset.


You can find more guided visualisations and meditations to practice on our website, in our Mindfulness Resource Library


May this guided visualisation cultivate a calm mind and happy heart for you and your family.