Head & Heart Mindfulness

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3 Ways to Spread Kindness

Monday of this week was Random Act of Kindness Day. So, we got inspired to share with you three simple ways you can spread kindness every day. Because being kind shouldn’t be saved for just one day of the year!


To be kind is to be friendly, considerate and generous - this is to others and to yourself. A lot of people do forget to be kind to themselves. For that reason, we are including three ways to spread kindness to others and three ways to be kind to yourself.


Three ways to spread kindness to others:

·      Smile at strangers. Such a simple action can mean the world to someone else. Smiling is as contagious as the common cold but instead of spreading germs, you are spreading kindness. Go on, grin from ear to ear!

·      Open a door for someone. If you are near a door and you see someone coming – whether their hands are full or not, reach out and hold the door open for them. You’ll be sure to receive a smile from them, thus enhancing the spread of kindness even further.

·      Genuinely compliment someone. It could be a family member, it could be a friend, or it could be the cashier serving at the supermarket. Whoever you encounter throughout your day, give them a kind and genuine compliment. 


Three ways to be kind to yourself:

·      Practice positive thinking. When you wake up in the morning, before your feet touch the ground, list three positive things about yourself. It could be I am happy, confident and excited. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but fake it til you make it and you will start to feel and believe what you tell yourself.

·      Take time out. Find ten to twenty minutes every day to do something just for you. It could be enjoying a cup of coffee, reading a book or magazine, taking a walk outside or catching up with a loved one on the phone. Whatever fills your heart and makes you happy.

·      Spend time with animals. Giving your pet a scratch behind the ears and spending quality time together has been proved to being joy and positivity. 


Spreading kindness to others and being kind to yourself very important to assist in keeping yourself in a positive mindset. Your mood is completely lifted when kindness is in your world.