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opportunities to work with Suzy

Explore this page to view the range of training and coaching opportunities we provide for you to work with Suzy to nurture a calm mind and happy heart for you and those your care for.

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what will you learn with Suzy?

All training and workshops with Suzy incorporate the below four areas to improve mental health and wellbeing.

Mindfulness. Learning skills that build awareness and help us pay attention to ‘the now’.


Learning skills that build awareness and help us pay attention to ‘the now’.

Meditation. Resting the mind through mindful awareness or guided visualisation.


Resting the mind through mindful awareness or guided visualisation.

Heartfulness. Practising gratitude, loving kindness, generosity and compassion.


Practising gratitude, loving kindness, generosity and compassion.

Positivity. Developing positive self-talk, positive thinking, and an optimistic outlook.


Developing positive self-talk, positive thinking, and an optimistic outlook.

Head and Heart Mindfulness training.


“I found this course to be a lifesaver. It has provided me with strategies that I can use to support my staff, families, and children to benefit their mental health.” - Jenny, Training Participant


“I connected to you and your business because of your honesty, integrity and attitude. You should be proud of creating such a feeling for the people you work with” - Brooke, Mindfulness Instructor Training Participant


option 1


Book Suzy to deliver Professional Development session for your staff or workshop for the children you care for in your Early Childhood Service, School, Workplace, or Community. Suzy creates personalised training sessions that vary from one hour through to six hours to meet your targeted needs. Popular training themes include ‘Introduction to Mindfulness for Children’, ‘Calmer Classrooms’, ‘Happy Homes’, ‘Mindfulness for your workplace’, ‘Self-care to manage stress’, ‘Mindfulness Teacher Training’. Time-saving and easy to implement resources are included in each training session. Suzy creates and enjoyable mix of learning and relaxation in her training sessions and workshops that range from one to six hours. She is available to work locally and interstate, in person and online.

click here to send an enquiry

Professional development and workplace training. Mindfulness

option 2

online training

Visit the Shop & Training Page to view our range of simple and effective online courses and programs for children, parents, teachers, and professionals. All HHM online training courses are delivered in video format to allow you to connect with Suzy as a presenter and for ease of use - watch and/or listen anywhere at anytime. We have online courses that increase knowledge about mindfulness and how it supports your brain and nervous system, provides the ‘how to’ and practical skills to confidently embed mindfulness in day to day life, through to how to effectively teach mindfulness to others and make a positive impact on the mental health and wellbeing of your workplace, community, and even your home.

click here to view our mindfulness training options

Online mindfulness Training. Shop and training, products, programs for mindfulness and anxiety.

option 3

mindfulness instructor training

Complete 25 hours of our Certified Mindfulness Instructor Training via the HHM Online Learning Poral. This training provides you with EVERYTHING you need to teach mindfulness to children and adults. Including hundreds of resources to support your teaching practise including the exact programs the HHM created and taught when they specialised in teaching mindfulness to children and adults in schools and the community. Business set-up, administration, customer care, and marketing documentation are also included to help you spend more time doing the important work of helping people instead of being stuck behind a computer and doing paperwork. There are even options to receive all of our physical products delivered to your doorstep and one-on-one personalised coaching and support from Suzy.

learn about the mindfulness instructor training

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 Get in touch

Need help deciding what level of support would benefit you the most?

benefits of mindfulness

Want to learn more about the benefits of mindfulness?

Become a Mindfulness Instructor

Want to be trained and mentored by Suzy?